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Cherie Gwilliam is the owner/practitioner of At One Health. She has been involved in the natural health industry for the last eight years. Cherie is the mother of a three year old girl, a organic, bio diverse farmer and has a life interest in holistic living. Cherie has experienced many ups and downs through her own life journey and brings great empathy, understanding, honesty and compassion to her practice to help get to the core of her client’s issues.


“I believe in the body’s ability to heal itself given the right support and environment, in treating the root cause of a health complaint and educating the client to be at one with their health.”

Cherie Gwilliam, Dip. Nat


Cherie is a qualified naturopath and massage therapist with a special interest in nutrition, stress, anxiety, depression, addictions, pre conception health and digestive complaints. Cherie also strongly believes in a spiritual aspect of health and well-being.


There have been some positive transitions over the years in the way the public and health professionals view the practice of natural medicine. Naturopath’s now have more solid science based qualifications, belong to governing bodies, follow strict principles of practice, and work in closely with other practitioners. More people are reaching out to natural medicine to guide and support them on their path to optimal health, and natural medicine has never been more important, as more people are starting to want to take responsibility for their own health. Cherie believes there has been a conscious change wordwide leaning to this way of thinking. Cherie is also passionate about supporting her local community, and is the founder of the Kaiwaka Health Collective.


A naturopathic healthcare model treats the cause of an issue, and emphasizes prevention and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods, functional testing, herbs, supplements, nutrition and life style changes to encourage the body's natural healing abilities towards balance.


Cherie graduated from the Naturopathic College of New Zealand, with a Diploma in Naturopathy and is now looking forward to aiding her community and others to better health and well being. Cherie is a massive supporter of natural medicine as a valid and viable healthcare model.

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